Ph.D. 2017 (History), Kyoto University;
M.A. 2012 (Sociology), Peking University;
B.A. 2009 (Sociology), Peking University.
Peking University:
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, 2017-
Social History of China
Historical Sociology
Sociology of Law
Undergraduate Courses:
Social history of China
Research of the Japanese Society
Graduate Courses:
Social history of China
Historical Materials of Chinese Society
Peng Ling. 2020. "Mores, Regulations and Society--A Social History of Lease Deduction in Baxian in Qing Dynasty, Journal of Sichuan University" Philosophy and Social Science Edition. 01 : 138-148. (in Chinese)
Peng Ling. 2019. "The ‘Outsider’ and ‘Good Man’ in Peking Opera Four Scholars: An Unexplored Facet of ‘the Differential Mode of Association’ in Ming and Qing Traditional Society" Shehui. 6 : 62-86. (in Chinese)
Peng Ling. 2019. "Between Mind and Body: Confucian Traditions and the Early Practice of Guofan Zeng" Academia Bimestrie. 05 : 209-216. (in Chinese)
Peng Ling. 2019. "The Inversion of ‘The Herbs and the Beauties’ Tradition and ‘The Fading Beauties’ in Ming and Qing Dynasty: Revisiting Pan Guangdan's Study of Feng Xiaoqing" Sociological Review of China. 7 (04) : 19-34. (in Chinese)
Peng Ling. 2019. "Complex Structure of Traditional Local Governance in China" Government Governance. 02 : 31-36. (in Chinese)